A protection plan can be applied to multiple machines at the time of its creation, or later. Select the machines that you want to back up. If the machine does not have any plans already…
Browsing Category BACKUPS
How to Apply an existing protection plan on a machine in Acronis
Select the machines that you want to back up. 2. Click “Protect”. If a common protection plan is already applied to the selected machines, click Add plan. 3. The software displays previously created protection plans….
How to create a Backup Job in MSP360
MSP360 (CloudBerry) Backup enables you to store the configuration of each backup you create so that you can run it at any time either manually, or on schedule. This configuration is stored as a backup plan,…
Backing up Windows files using CloudBerry Backup
Modern businesses increasingly depend on their data as a foundation for their operation. The most important thing is to ensure that data servers are protected and it provides reliable and cost-effective unlimited backup for your…